Like last year there will be a competition in the Raptor- and Featherweight division in our 6m x 6m arena. A new addition for this year will be a small beetleweight competition held on sunday. As usual there will be opportunities to do Antweight whiteboards.
17th to 18th of August 2019
Maiker Faire 2019
Hannover Congress Centrum
Eilenriedehalle, Niedersachsenhalle & Stadtpark
Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1-3
30175 Hannover (Germany)
Like last year, we have decided to limit spinners to 1kJ for safety reasons. We recommend the runamok calculator to determine the kinetic energy of spinners.
The MOI can be either calculated with the tools on the Runamok Page or the CAD program of your choice.
Please have a printed out result of the KE-calculations at the event to make tech check as smooth as possible. A screenshot of the CAD showing the MOI would be very helpful too, especially if your weapon design is fairly complex or consists of multiple parts.
It is fine to lower the power via the EPA function of your transmitter.
If you have any questions feel free to ask them.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!